Friday, January 19, 2007

Kaua'i, Day 1

Jenny had to go in for a full day of work today, so I was left to "fend" for myself all day on the grounds of a beautiful beachside resort. It was pretty rough for a while, as I ... oh who am I kidding, it was one of the best vacation days one could ask for! It only could have been better in the company of Jenny, but I guess we're even now for her getting to fly first class, hehe.

After a great breakfast buffet, I relaxed on the balcony and read. When that got old, I went to the gym for a bit, went to the pool for a bit, and relaxed with a book in the warm sun and cool ocean breeze. The highlight of my day was a long late afternoon walk on the beach, wading through the shallows of the surf, and feeling the warm embrace of the salt water and sand around my feet. If you know me at all, then you know that is about as good as it gets for me. The ocean will always be one of my great loves, and though I can't speculate what awaits us in heaven, I sure wouldn't complain if right outside the golden palace of God is an ocean.

Once the sun started to set, I grabbed my laptop, went to the longue, ordered a burger, and started this weblog. Right now I am sitting in a comfy couch while listening to a band and enjoying the fresh ocean breeze coming through the lobby.

We'll see what tomorrow holds...

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